inDemand Community: Jämtland Härjedalen

Ago 25, 2020

Jämtland Härjedalen (Sweden)

Challenger: Region Jämtland Härjedalen (RJH)

RJH is a Regional Public Healthcare Provider with a legal status as County Council. Its main responsibility is primary and secondary healthcare, as well as regional development including education in forestry and farming and public transportations in a large and sparsely populated region. RJH’s R&D is responsible for clinical education that includes Medical training; Intern and Resident physicians and Intern psychologists.

RJH also works with preventative measures, dentistry and culture. Secondary healthcare is carried out at the sole hospital in the only town of the region – Östersund Hospital – where there are roughly 400 beds and 50 out-patient clinics. Primary healthcare is carried out in 35 locations in the region, divided in 25 full-service primary care stations and 10 satellite stations, this includes four private primary caregivers. The home and social care are the responsibilities of the eight municipalities in the region. There are roughly 4,000 employees in 100 different professions in RJH, and around 93 % of the total budget of ca 400 million € is allocated to healthcare.

As a relatively small but pro-active healthcare organisation, RJH has the experience and advantage of deploying and implementing eHealth innovations on a wide-scale viewed from an EU-perspective. This work, that mainly originates from the R&D Project Centre located at the eHealth Centre in Östersund, is made possible through close collaborations with partners from sectors such as business, academia and research. The base of these collaborations is comprised of experiences from Horizon 2020 projects.



We are pursuing several options: The European Regional Structural Fund where there is the possibility to apply for additional support in connection to already approved ERDF grants.

As Challenger and Supporter respectively, both RJH and Peak Region AB have such grants.
Interreg Sweden – Norway is another option from where both organisations have been granted past and ongoing projects.
These are realistic ”regional financial support systems” in regard to supporting our participation inte inDemand Community. Additionally, there are national sources, such as the National Innovation Agency “Vinnova”.


Supporter: PEAK Region AB

Peak Region is a triple-helix owned organisation with a regional mission to create a stronger and more sustainable future in Jämtland Härjedalen, mainly through innovation support, where long-term effects can be generated for the region’s business community.

Triple helix is a model that is about collaboration between academia, business and public actors, this is reflected in Peak Region’s ownership structure (public, private and academic sector). Peak’s core work is to support the development of a stimulating context for both start-up companies and knowledge-intensive companies based on the regional ecosystem for innovation.