We believe in innovation.
We strive to be change leaders.
We want to transform healthcare into a co-created experience for patients.

Our starting point is the inDemand model, which proposes an innovative demand-driven & co-creation approach. Healthcare professionals and tech companies work hand in hand to develop digital health solutions, receiving business advice and benefitting from the economic support of regional funds. Our goal: let healthcare innovation skyrocket!


Meet the inDemand Community Members!

Say hello to the most innovative EU regions in healthcare. A bunch of professionals with different backgrounds willing to leave the comfort zone and to make digital health transformation happen. Happy to have you on board!


Want to know some more? Even better, want to join us?

The inDemand model is currently being tested in 3 EU regions: Murcia (Spain), Oulu (Finland) and Paris (France).

In order to boost innovation and share the lessons learned, our goal is to create a community of 12 more regions and we have an open call until we reach this number.

Want to join? You’re still on time.

Benefits of being part of the inDemand Community:

  • More efficient utilization of your regional funds earmarked for healthcare and/or digitalisation and foster innovation within your region.
  • A new co-creation and demand-driven model in your Region that ensures that the uptake of the digital solution will be more successful as it serves a real, existing and prioritised need.
  • Capacity building of health entities to systematically identify and solve their needs while creating opportunities for private companies.
  • Close coaching and personalized support of the three inDemand regions. How to implement the model in your territories. Since you will take up an already validated model, this will allow you to save time, energy and efforts to avoid failure and risk. The know-how will be transferred through technical webinars and a fully refunded training session in Brussels in 2019.


inDemand: together for better health