Piemonte preliminary consultation event on «Neonatal Emergency Transport Service and Telemedicine»

Ene 10, 2020

If you want to be part of the conversation with the Piemonte Region, apply before the 20th of January. You will have the opportunity to discuss with the regional team about their digital health challenge.


The Region of Piemonte (Italy) has detected a healthcare challenge to be solved with a digital solution: «Neonatal Emergency Transport Service and Telemedicine (NETS-SeT)». 

In order to know better the state-of-the-art, this region has organized a preliminary consultation of the market. Their goal is to gather input from interested companies in an event where attendees will have the opportunity to discuss with the regional team – as a dialogue with interested economic operators.

After the event, an Innovation Procurement publication will be launch, in order to frame the co-creation process.


Want to attend the preliminary consultation event?

  • Apply before the 20th of January 2020 here
  • The event* will take place on the 24th of January 2020 at the headquarters of SCR Piemonte in Torino. 

* Only the selected applicants will participate in the event. 


Know more about the Piemonte Region in the inDemand Community


Challenger: SS. Antonio and Biagio and Cesare Arrigo. Hospital (Alessandira Hospital)

The challenger is Alessandria Hospital, a public entity recognized as a National Medical Centre of high specialization, and it’s a self-contained establishment with legal and entrepreneurial autonomy.

Funder: Società di Committenza della Regione. Piemonte S.p.A. (SCR Piemonte)

SCR Piemonte is the central purchasing body of Piedmont Region born with the aim of rationalising public spending and enhance public procurement in the field of healthcare, transport facilities and telecommunication.

Supporter: bioPmed Piemonte Innovation Cluster

The main goals of Association Innovation cluster bioPmed are both to stimulate the growth of the health care and life science sectors as a whole and to support single companies in their R&D activities and in exploiting business opportunities.


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