The Aragon (Spain) experience implementing the inDemand model #inDemandCommunity

Jul 29, 2019


There are many European regions committed to digital transformation in healthcare, and there is no doubt that Aragon (Spain) is one of them!

As a member of the #inDemandCommunity, the Region of Aragon has already launched a call for digital health companies to solve some challenges detected by healthcare professionals from Servicio Aragonés de Salud (Aragon Healthcare Service). Their goal is to let healthcare innovation skyrocket, and they are doing great using the inDemand model as a vehicle for it.

How is it to be part of the inDemand Community? What are the benefits for a European region to implement de inDemand model? Let Jorge Navarro from the Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud, IACS (Aragon Health Science Institute) share his experience.

 1. What are the benefits of using the inDemand model?

Since 2016, the Government of Aragon’s regional strategy has launched several actions to foster innovation, acting as launch customer via new public procurement procedures (PPI), as well as involving all actors in the design of the solution (quadruple helix). IACS participates in this process as a support agent, especially for actions in the healthcare sector. The inDemand model benefits are the following:

  • Real and prioritized needs detection of the Aragon Healthcare Service solutions through co-creation, and demand to ensure adoption.
  • Strengthening the capacities of health entities to systematically identify and address their needs, while creating opportunities for private companies.
  • Scalability of solutions to the whole Aragon Healthcare Service.


2. After your experience with the first call for companies, what added values have you detected? What challenges did you face when implementing the model?

The most important benefit is that companies must adapt and solve your real needs, meeting the detected technical specifications. This changes completely the paradigm of the relationship between the Public Administration and private enterprises.

The foremost challenge is the needs definition and technical specifications, which must be defined accurately in order to be solved. Furthermore, they should be technologically feasible, according to the schedule and budget requirements.


3. Do you plan to repeat the experience launching a second call for companies?

Yes, we do. The idea is that the inDemand methodology will become a usual tool of Aragon Healthcare Service for detection and solution of its ICTs needs. Therefore, the calls will be launched rolling up over the next few years.


4. What are your goals in Aragon in terms of innovation in healthcare? What are you doing to boost digital transformation in the health sector? 

The objectives of Aragon in terms of innovation in healthcare and digital transformation are the following:

OBJECTIVE 1: To promote the technical coherence and strategic orientation of the information systems of the Government of Aragon, putting them at the service of the healthcare level improvement of the Aragon inhabitants:

1.1. To strengthen the organisational structure dedicated to design, management and analysis of healthcare information systems.

1.2. To promote coordination with other National and Regional Departments, orienting their information systems towards the achievement of health through all policies.

1.3. To develop a system for monitoring health inequalities along the axes considered of interest: age, gender, social class, ethnicity and territory, among others, in order to improve knowledge of their impact and evolution, and the effectiveness of policies and interventions aimed at reducing them.

1.4. To undertake the digital transformation of the Aragon Healthcare Service based on the development of a global and unique Electronic Health Record (EHR) centred on the patient.

1.5. To guarantee fair and flexible access to citizens’ information related to their own healthcare and the Healthcare System.

1.6. To promote people’s training and participation in the maintenance and generation of health.

1.7. To improve the use of information systems for knowledge generation, decision-making in health policy and management, and the participation of professionals and citizens in the improvement of the healthcare level and the quality of healthcare services.


OBJECTIVE 2: To promote research and innovation in the healthcare sector, its determinants and inequalities, in order to improve the capacity of the Aragon Healthcare System to respond to the current challenges and priorities set out in the Aragon Healthcare Plan.

2.1. To promote the development of quality research and its orientation towards the priorities of the Aragon Healthcare Plan: health through all policies, healthcare in all ages of life and orientation of the healthcare system towards health.

2.2. To incorporate research results into health actions: creating as close a link as possible between research and action.

2.3. To strengthen the ethical commitment of the organisation and the control of conflicts of interest in research and in the introduction of new technologies into the system.


OBJECTIVE 3: Point health training, knowledge management and new technologies towards the objectives and activities of the Aragon Healthcare Plan.

3.1. To promote the adaptation of undergraduate and postgraduate training for health professionals to the priorities set out in the Healthcare Plan and to the needs of the Aragon Healthcare System, to changes in the relationship with patients and to the evolution of professional skills.

3.2. To promote continuous training organized by the Public Administration, of quality and without conflicts of interest, oriented to the priorities of the Healthcare Plan.

3.3. To reinforce the ethical commitment of the organization and the control of conflicts of interest in the training of system professionals.

For more information, please visit the Aragon Healthcare Plan.


5. Imagine you have the opportunity to talk with a European region interested in implementing the inDemand model. What advice would you give? 

As I have said in point 2, the most important step is the right definition of the needs in order to align the Public Administration needs with the innovation lines of private companies. Besides, the co-creation process is the best way to meet the challenge and to solve the real needs successfully



Aragón Region, as a member of the #inDemandCommunity, is formed by Servicio Aragonés de Salud (Aragon Health Service) as the challenger, Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (Aragon Health Science Institute) as the funder, and Arahealth as the supporter. Find more information on this link